
A quick run to the grocery store yesterday morning and my daughter procured BACON!  We never have bacon in the house.  It has certainly never won an award for being the healthiest food, plus the cooking of it is quite smelly.  But she woke up with a craving for bacon, and I say, yeah! YEAH!

I love bacon and whenever I’m on vacation or out to dinner, or when I was on a cruise (!) last summer, bacon becomes my obsession.  Grilled cheese and bacon, how can you resist?  Just bacon alone, and I’m in heaven.  As the smell of bacon wafted through the air yesterday, my husband ran downstairs: “Is that bacon I smell?” And yes the unique scent of bacon permeated the whole house (even today I think I still smell it).  It was delicious and a welcome taste sensation.

Brunch and dinner have become long, important meals in this new temporary phase of life. As I’ve said in previous posts, both my grown daughters are staying with us, choosing Long Island over living alone in Manhattan.  We do a bit of our own thing during the day.  Everyone exercises.  My husband runs a few miles every other day, and my daughters do “prison workouts” from various apps. I generally walk. But brunch and dinner we meet together in our newly renovated kitchen and discuss our individual and collective predicaments.  The new normal, with bacon.


  1. I love your post! Are we all turning to food in these days of quarantine? My college age son and I baked bread yesterday. So funny how we find joy in simple things in times like this. I am hopeful that some great memories will be made during tough times like this.

  2. Just thought of a title for your COVID-19 memoir: Bacon Prison.

  3. Yay for yall. Bacon is not the healthiest, but is the bestest! Love how you all are making memories around your new normal and BACON!

  4. I’m struggling with this new normal, but adding bacon may make it better! I’ll have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I love that you said yes to bacon! I bet you never imagined both girls living at home again like this. It is unique time. I am glad there are nice moments in all this craziness.

  6. "The new normal, with bacon" is a fantastic line! I like to say that I'm vegan--except I do make an occasional exception for bacon!


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