Cheers to Daylight Savings Time!

I love today! Daylight savings day is one of my favorite ‘holidays’ of the year.  It ranks up there with Halloween when I was a kid, or Thanksgiving, now and then.  The promise of longer and longer days as we continue to move slowly toward the summer solstice is such a gift. Ralph’s ices re-opened yesterday, offering a two for one special.  It was  cold last night, and I was too full from dinner to partake in my usual chocolate caramel chip cup, but I had driven by that sign all winter: Watch for our grand re-opening March 7.  And here we are.  And one of these days, I’m going to get me some ices.

Back to daylight savings time.  Don’t get me wrong.  I know we lose that all-important hour and people’s schedules get all messed up for a bunch of days. People will have trouble waking up their children tomorrow morning as mentioned on a few posts.  But on the good news side, it will be light from now on until at least 7 o’clock. That late afternoon - early evening sunlight ensures time for afternoon walks and early evening barbecues.  It promises budding trees and blooming daffodils and tulips. 

Cheers to the beginning of a new season.  Winter is in the rear view mirror.


  1. I appreciate your positive outlook towards this day. While I don't particularly like it and I do hope we end the switching of time in the near future, I do love the idea of winter in the rear view mirror and the fact I actually sat outside this afternoon and read in the sunshine. Cheers back atcha to that!

  2. Thank you for giving me a different look at the day and loss of an hour. An hour lost in one area is an hour gained in another.

  3. It was a beautiful day in Chicago today. Definitely helps with the time change and staying lighter longer!

  4. I love your upbeat optimism! Change always brings something wonderful with it!

  5. I felt and appreciated your enthusiasm throughout this slice. As for winter being in the rear-view mirror? I remain skeptical :)


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