Happy Birthday, Ruth

Today I was reminded anew by another slicer how we can turn to nature as a way of finding hope.  That slice from Kevin also took me back to the days following the last Presidential election and how hopeless and despairing I initially felt (not that these events warrant comparison).  But then I realized that it was taking small actions that restored me.  I had invited several people to my house and we talked about actions we could take.  I joined the Women’s March in Manhattan.   I sent money to Planned Parenthood and the Holocaust museum in D.C. I became connected with a newly sprung organization near me called “Raising Voices.”  I attended meetings with speakers and we wrote postcards and became active in local elections and issues.

Today’s walk took me back to Superstorm Sandy in New York.  The same eeriness filled the streets. School wound up being closed for two weeks then, and it was a very strange time in October and early November, 2012. But there were still some actions to be taken.  You could volunteer at a food center the school set up or donate clothes to people whose houses were in ruins.  I remember driving around with water bottles to distribute to an area that was devastated. And then once school reopened, they organized a Thanksgiving dinner for the community and we served food.  Almost everyone lost power on and off for two weeks, and we had a snowstorm in the midst of it. Many lost their homes for months upon months.

What actions can be taken now, to feel strong again, and not be subsumed by the fear and horror of much that is happening? We need to keep ourselves healthy – physically as well as spiritually.  I extend good thoughts to you, this all-important writing community, and wish you peace and strength.  And I raise a glass to Ruth Bader Ginsburg who turns 87 today.  Happy Birthday, strong woman. 


  1. I appreciate the perspective in this slice, the centering of positive, powerful agency when we feel swept by big forces outside our control. For that, today's birthday girl whom you celebrate makes an excellent role model.

  2. I've been trying to think of productive actions, too. I want to send my students letters. I was wondering if notes of encouragement could be sent to doctors/nurses/ hospital staff? What happiness could we bring from home? Happy Birthday Notorious RBG and cheers to the strong women!


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