Honey Roasted Sesame Sticks (and a Zoom conference)

I am so hungry this afternoon. It’s a rather nondescript Thursday in this interminable month of March.  I am eating all the honey roasted sesame sticks in the bag my daughter brought here over two weeks ago from the Fairway in NYC when quarantine life began.  Two weeks ago feels like a lifetime ago. I’ve been facing this new life with the help of these honey roasted sesame sticks from Fairway – whose motto on the package reads “like no other market.” How will I ever find these little pretzel gifts again?

I’ve been thinking about the Zoom conference I was in (or is it on?) last night. I am seriously technologically challenged. And if I don’t do something regularly, when the same task comes up, I will have trouble remembering how to do it. I didn’t have much confidence in my ability to join this SOL challenge from a year ago, in terms of getting to the blog and then posting.  (It turned out not to be that big of a deal.) 

But I hadn’t been on a Zoom conference for a while, and last night there were 73 participants on it.  I had forgotten about the audio and video icons you can use to turn yourself on or off, or maybe it was a non-issue in previous, smaller Zoom conferences. Anyway, I purposely went downstairs away from the family and then realized the connection down there was pretty bad.  I must have been audibly noisy (?) because my friend on this call privately sent me a message to shut my audio off (which in the heat of this flustered moment I couldn’t find). Then I couldn’t find the agenda that everyone was writing on, nor could I simultaneously see the speakers and the written comments.  I had to return upstairs and luckily, one of my millennial daughters (who has newly moved in) came to my rescue. Later I realized I must have looked ridiculous fussing around visibly and audibly with my daughter in tow.

I know this doesn’t amount to a hill of beans in the scheme of things.  I just wish technological tasks came easier to me.  And I do wish I had some more of those honey roasted sesame sticks.


  1. The honey roasted sesame sticks make a wonderful frame for the conference mishaps. I hope all your wishes, be they for snacks or tech support, are answered soon.


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