Rambling Autobiography

I was born in May and my dad brought lilies of the valley flowers from our backyard to my mother in the hospital. The doctor said they smelled more sweetly than all the store-bought bouquets in the maternity ward. I remember the day Martin Luther King was shot. It was the year of cruel and spiteful Mrs. Russek, my 6th grade teacher, who threw chalk at Martin C. because he didn't do his homework. I campaigned for McGovern even though I was too young to vote. I went to SUNY Binghamton and my life took an upward turn. I met my soulmate there when we walked up Mill Hill. I was 20 years old. I had a job in an employment agency that you entered from a rooftop in NYC, sharing office space with a golden retriever who I occasionally walked in Madison Square Park. I became an English teacher and taught for over 30 years, and never felt like it was a job. I gave birth to two amazing daughters who enrich my life daily. I am a cat mother to Mister, and previously to Mrs.  I have travelled to many fun places and my favorite destinations are Banff, all of Vermont, and Portofino, Italy. I do love Florence and Paris too. 

Prompt from Linda Rief, 100 Quickwrites


  1. I love the pieces of your life you chose to share.. the lilies of the valley, chalk being thrown at Martin, walking up Mill Hill. Such a broad piece, but also so detailed. Wonderful post!

  2. Thumbs up for the lilies of the valley detail, store-bought ones paling in comparison to the backyard version. Thumbs down for Mrs. Russek, though it sounds like she made a lasting impression -- on you and young Martin :)

  3. This is beautiful Heidi! So revealing in not that many words. I also love the detail of the lilies of the valley and the 6th grade teacher who threw chalk (horrors!) So much more to say about each detail but I love the brevity of the piece. Will have to try this out!


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