Saying Goodbye is Bittersweet

This will be a quick goodbye. 

I am both relieved and a bit sad that this is ending. It’s been a hard March, as the previous two Marches have been, with pandemic residue and a war starting. March did not end better than it began, for the world. Personally, I’ve been feeling as if I’ve been living a lot in my head, with much of my life still on Zoom (teaching remotely, tutoring remotely and having meetings remotely). Often I have struggled this month to come up with compelling topics. 

But this is an amazing community and so many people writing for 31 days is truly impressive!  I have read so many wonderful posts and been grateful for the insights, humor, and humanity that people have shared here. Holding on to those small moments by writing about them daily is really something unique and powerful. Living the writerly life makes us much more aware and mindful. We live more fully.

Thank you to all the ‘Two Writing Teachers’ people who keep this going year after year. Thank you to my Long Island Writing Project buddies (and alumnus) who visited and commented on my posts. Kathy, Eva, and Brian - you are the best! 

Here’s to beginning a new month – yes, finally April!  Will I see you again next March?


  1. Lots of us TRY to write on Tuesdays all year long and you might consider joining us??? No matter what, this March has been hard and sad...different and yet the same as the past 2 Marches where the world has struggled. While lots are back to full time in person, like you I am still working remotely at times. I think it is a new normal....and I am trying to adapt and adjust....Here's to April and more slicing!

  2. Even your goodbyes are beautifully written!

  3. As you say, Heidi, there's sneakily disproportionate power in writing (and reading) about small moments together. Just look at how that mechanism has re-connected us after many years. Bring on April and whatever comes next, and let's meet again next March!

  4. Heidi, it has been a pleasure meeting you this March. I hope we continue to connect during this year's Tuesday Slice of Life. Enjoy writing with the LIWP group and give my regards to the writers. I still miss the beach since moving to Virginia during March 2021. Until se meet again, congratulations on 31 days of writing.

  5. I am ready to move on to my next challenge and set of writing plans but also always a little sad for March to come to an end. I am going to TRY to slice on Tuesdays--though I struggle with slicing once a week for some reason. Congratulations on making it for 31 days!!

  6. I'm so glad you wrote, Heidi! I looked forward to reading your words every single day. Come back on Tuesdays when you can- it's so great to read your stories and get more insight into your day to day life. I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip and that sun-drenched freedom!

  7. It is an amazing community isn't it! Glad you made it through and feel a bit sad now it's over. I understand that feeling. As some have said, try and write on Tuesdays as well (I manage about twice a year to date). Congrats!


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