The Promise of Spring

I just bought a flat of pansies. They are a muted mixture of pansies - some light pinkish, some whitish, some light purple, with even a few vibrant violet pansies in the mix.The man working at Dee's Nursery said it is indeed okay to plant them already in the soil. Even if it snows, he insisted, they'll be okay: "In fact, I'll be planting mine tomorrow when Dee's is closed," he assured me.

After a snowy, frigid weekend, it is finally warmer here today and brilliantly sunny. I need the promise of spring; I need to feel the earth. I am finding this March a difficult month to contend with. It is bringing up all kinds of issues, and as I go to search for a topic or start writing, I am reminded of those two previous Marches, and I just want it to be May already.

I know all about living in the moment and feeling gratitude for all the beauty. I will write my piece on gratitude one of these days. Maybe these pansies will inspire me as we spring ahead.  


  1. A "muted mixture of pansies" might be just the ticket for tiptoeing through the minefield of this month and toward something better. Hope you find the inspiration that you're seeking.

  2. I share your reservation about the pansies surviving in the cold. After all it did snow this past March weekend! But, if they do survive, how fun would that be and how happy it'll make you feel. I say, go for it and take a chance. If worse comes to worse, you'll be back at Dee's to buy another flat!

  3. I hope you had a great afternoon planting the pansies! I love when flowers finally come back. March is heavy. The world is heavy and has been for so long. We need lightness.


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