That "To Do" List

Why am I not heeding my “to do” list?

Today’s list is full of a lot of little different assorted things, and yet I don’t feel like executing any of them. Okay, I should email this professor to find out when the last day of my class technically is. I should call a new travel agent to see if there is a decent price out there for a trip we had committed to. I need to reread Chapter 7 of a book I assigned to my class. (My very poor memory requires that I am constantly rereading and replanning anything I did more than a few weeks ago.) I need to plan for my upcoming class in a more in-depth way. I would like to catch up on my reading for my next book group which is at my house. I need to write this blog post today, realizing that on Day 4 I am essentially topic-less. And I need to comment on a few posts. 

I have 2 and a half hours to myself. I need to take a walk; they are predicting rain for the next three days. But I must get something done before my walk. 

So I’ll get up now from my computer to take care of the laundry already done in the machine and eat a rice cake with Ithaca ‘everything bagel’ hummus on it. 

And then I will cross “write blog post” off the list. Yay!


  1. Writing accomplished! Check. Cute layout. I appreciated being able to better grasp your thought process and you went down the list of things to do.


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